Tuesday, May 26, 2009

there are many kinds of friends - the ones you go out with, the ones who really listen to you, the ones who hang out with you cos they think you're cool, others who hang out with you because they have something to get out of you, everything happens for a reason.

in law sch, as many have told me, you get more of the make-use-of-you category. people who come to you if they think you're a smart deans lister, if you're a good-looker, if you're happening, if you can find cool places to eat with them etc etc.

personally, i dont go for the fairweather types. i stay clear of them. already as it is, it's pretty hard to identify who belongs to that category. thank God for genuine people in law sch, people who are not exactly the most gd looking, rich, happening, but whom you know will be there for you if you need them, anytime, anyday, just as I expect myself to do likewise.

people who do not judge X simply because of what people say about X. these are the people i respect and need as friends. people who are willing to know u better and see for themselves what kind of person u are instead of merely listening to what others say about X and condemning X. people who actually have a mind of their own.

but i think, no more mr nice guy. no more fetching whoever all the way back to your doorstep, or offering to do so. dont expect such things from me anymore (that doesnt mean i wont do it - just dont expect it) because i find that no matter what u do for certain ppl, going out of your way to fetch them, it counts for shit. they dont appreciate it, they sometimes make fun of u (ok it may be jokes but there's a limit), they just take it for granted.

but among all others, i'd like to thank God for good friends, because they got my back, and I got theirs.

i dont understand how come ppl have 381839769 friends on facebook. i mean, ask urself, when it comes to the crunch, how many ppl can u truly rely on and call for help? that's the litmus test.


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