Thursday, May 28, 2009

sometimes i wake up and i think, what if i'm dead - i'm gone forever. it's such a depressing feeling, i imagine every part of my body vapourising. for a brief moment, i begin to treasure every part of my body. i begin to miss myself, looking at myself 100 years down the road when i'm dead and gone (yes, the song). how could life be so...sad

i drove back to chinese high that day. from the clock tower, i looked down at the track and saw all the little boys training. a few years back i was one of those minions slogging my life away, training 4 times a week for the 'glory of the school', then 2 years slogging for the 'nation'. everything is a process, u are just a pawn in this game. u are just another product of the factory. u are replaceable. if u're defective, off you go, from the production line, into the bin. and the cycle of life continues on and on. so you think u're a superstar, you're a gold medallist, a record holder. a few years later, some youngster will beat your record. a few years later, the same type of students will get the same scoldings from the same track n field teacher, get the same kind of academic results, go to the same schools, we cant help but put you in a box, because that's what life does to all of us. and occasionally there are the 3 dimensional people, the larger-than-life people, but these are few and far between, like the blue diamond being auctioned off for a record price. those are like vicissitudes of life - random and rare.

nevertheless, being gone forever is a sad thing. each and every person is unique. if they're gone forever, it's such a waste. there was once a GP question which proposed the statement : society needs its eccentrics. indeed, each and every individual is a unique entity and that's the concept - beauty in diversity.

but without a God, we're all gone. now you see it now you don't. how sad is that. all the achievements count for nothing.

on the other hand, being in heaven for an eternity is unfathomable. how? is there a middle ground between eternally alive and eternally gone? which one is better?

this is just about the epitomy of randomness


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